Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ready yourself with your glasses, thoughts, and tea cup.

Yes nerds of America we are starting a book club and I am extremely excited! This month's book: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Loved the movie so how could I not love the book! (Sshh...don't tell the other members that I haven't started reading it yet) Speaking of members, the more the merrier. If you are a lover of nerdery and books then you deserve to be part of our book club. We tentatively decided that at the end of every month one member would host the book club. This can be done at your house, restaurant, etc. Just a few ideas to get you about we be one of the "ladies who wear purple and a red hat", meet at the Beehive Tea House (Great idea Cory!), or how about themed meetings? If you are already a part of a book club please share your success, likes, and dislikes to help ours be the most fun and interesting it can be.

Members to date:
1. Cory Willey
2. Jen Allred
3. Marci Swenson
4. Shelly Bubert
5. Cassidy Skola
6. Alina Dorsey

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Responses We Wish We Could Send

Alina and Cory Here: This is a duo post. While looking through some websites, we stumbled across a blog of a person from our past. Although we give credit for the persons passion and overall mission of life, it was riddled with self righteousness, criticism and judgment; ironically, the absence of these very characteristics being his/her passion.

Therefore, being two respectful people who are big believers in Karma and slightly chicken, decided not to send a very well stated, articulate, angry and perhaps a little catty comment on his/her blog. We were going to post it in this blog, but decided against it.
(We lost faith in all you judgers out there!)

Does this ever happen to you? Although Cory and I are both like minded, the post rung false to the very core. At this point, what do you do when all you want to do is shake someone, tell them they are crazy, or try to give the person a little exposure to life and reality? I guess rant about it for a minute and decide to be who you are. Or as Lacy would say, "Remember who you're not."

This is Alina 'worshiping' in Rome. They had to provide her a shawl as she was dressed like a street walker.

Cory 'worshiping' in a restroom...hoping everything would come out okay...

If you are already on our list of friends, know it wasn't you.... or was it??? J/K

Alina & Cory

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pop Tart or Toaster Strudel?

Before you go thinking you know the answer to this question let me point out 10 very important facts.

1. Pop tarts you can eat with or without a toaster and they are still delicious.
2. You can take a pop tart anywhere.
3. When you eat a pop tart you don't have to worry about jelly dripping out it's backside onto your shirt.
4. Getting your fingers messy with frosting is not a problem with a Pop Tart. (Plus they never give you enough frosting with the strudel!)
5. You can freeze a Pop Tart for a cool treat.
6. Pop Tarts come in flavors ranging from Strawberry to Smores.
7. The Pop Tart gives you not one, but two tasty treats in each serving. One for later!

8. Unlike the toaster strudel, Pop Tarts don't make your fingers greasy.
9. If you decide to
toast your Pop Tart you will never have to worry about the middle still being frozen. Which by the way with a strudel you never find out until you've already added the frosting and the strudel is half eaten. You can't put it back in the toaster!
10. Finally, the Pop Tarts sugary goodness exceeds that of the lamester strudel.

Let it note that I seriously get upset when the toaster strudel commercials bash on Pop Tarts. Upon viewing one, Jason and I will spend the next 5-10 minutes discussing the superiority of the Pop Tart. Yes, you are immediately thinking that you should worry about us and our obsession with Pop Tarts. What?! We are just two healthy adults who happen to be passionate about our breakfast and snack foods. Check out this pop tart commercial from 1975 . It gives us two more reasons for loving the Pop Tart. 1.) The toaster, with the help of the pop tart clearly offers emotional support. 2.) If it's been around for this long it has to be good.
Check out this Pop Tart Commercial!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Background Music

I think everyone should have background music to their life. Just like in the movies, the minute I wake up a song is playing. Not on my i-pod or the radio, it just exists, filling whatever space I'm in with great tunes. On Monday I'd wake up, and of course Manic Monday would be playing! After that, depending on my mood, it would be a variety of slow tunes from FM100 as I got ready and made my trek to work. (The slow jams are due to my extremely mellow mood in the morning and let's be honest, I'm a huge FM 100 junkie) Around lunch time I usually get more pep and would probably be kicking it with some good ol' 80's tunes. Example, I'm sitting alone on the curb outside my agency enjoying the last bit of good weather and Tiffany's "I think we're alone now" is playing. What can you expect for a weekend night? Well, I believe a good mix of Pat Benatar or The Sounds would accentuate any activity or conversation. Life is just better with music. I would feel more comfortable reciting corny lines to my boyfriend with a little Elton John or Celine Dion in the background (This selection would not work for Jason, but remember it is my life and my movie). What would make a reunion of friends just that much more special? about "I'll stand by you" from the Pretenders. They see each other for the first time in years, they reach to embrace, and BAM on comes the music. You can't tell me that wouldn't bring a tear to your eye! Point being that life, at least my life, would be much more interesting and fun with continuous background music. Now the final question is, what would be my theme song? Hmmm....I'll blog about it when I've figured it out.

(1st pic.) I can picture A little Dixie Chicks playing. (2nd pic.) "Girls Just want to have fun" of course.