2. You can take a pop tart anywhere.
3. When you eat a pop tart you don't have to worry about jelly dripping out it's backside onto your shirt.
4. Getting your fingers messy with frosting is not a problem with a Pop Tart. (Plus they never give you enough frosting with the strudel!)
5. You can freeze a Pop Tart for a cool treat.
6. Pop Tarts come in flavors ranging from Strawberry to Smores.
7. The Pop Tart gives you not one, but two tasty treats in each serving. One for later!
8. Unlike the toaster strudel, Pop Tarts don't make your fingers greasy.
9. If you decide to toast your Pop Tart you will never have to worry about the middle still being frozen. Which by the way with a strudel you never find out until you've already added the frosting and the strudel is half eaten. You can't put it back in the toaster!
10. Finally, the Pop Tarts sugary goodness exceeds that of the lamester strudel.
Let it note that I seriously get upset when the toaster strudel commercials bash on Pop Tarts. Upon viewing one, Jason and I will spend the next 5-10 minutes discussing the superiority of the Pop Tart. Yes, you are immediately thinking that you should worry about us and our obsession with Pop Tarts. What?! We are just two healthy adults who happen to be passionate about our breakfast and snack foods. Check out this pop tart commercial from 1975 . It gives us two more reasons for loving the Pop Tart. 1.) The toaster, with the help of the pop tart clearly offers emotional support. 2.) If it's been around for this long it has to be good.
Check out this Pop Tart Commercial!
I'd even go far enough to say that Pop Tarts are American.... I mean come one. Studel? You might as well be a terrorist.
I love me a good pop tart.
The day I saw a little brat on commercial shoving his Pop Tart in his locker just so he could eat a Strudel was the day I realized the world is seriously messed up. First of all he was probably sick after he ate the Strudel because in order to stay fresh and good it needs to be frozen. I hope he spent the day in the bathroom puking! Pop Tarts can go anywhere just to wait for our convenience and if we don't eat it then it will just continue to wait.
You should think about doing David Letterman's Top 10. They need some fun thinkers like you!
I know exactly the commercial you are talking about Marci!!! It is infuriating.
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