Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stating the Obvious

It all began about a week ago when my boss asked if I was a notary. I responded with, "Why, do you need something notarized?" Later in the week my friend was pulling her pizza out of the microwave and I asked her if she was having pizza for lunch. Now I can't stop catching myself making these kinds of remarks! Why you may ask do I feel the need to state the obvious? I think it has to do with my inability to allow a passing interaction to be just a passing interaction. I feel a certain awkwardness when I respond with a one word answer, even though that's all they're after. I am, by definition, a small talker. I am now acutely aware of this problem and catch myself stating the obvious or asking dumb questions daily. At least when I was ignorant of my problem I didn't feel the embarrassment that inevitably follows my dumb remarks.

"Trouble With the Dryer?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How. Is. It?