Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Funny Things People Say

Setting: Work
Situation: I'm laying on the ground showing one of my clients (child) silly kid friendly breathing techniques. After observing me for a moment she says...
Child A (4 yrs old): "You're big and then you're little".
Alina: "What?"
Child A: "You're big and then you're little! My mom is big and then she's big".
Yep, pretty positive she was referring to my small top and rather large bottom. Love children's sincere honesty!

Setting: Work
Situation: Therapy session with a child. I was utilizing a technique where I repeat what they say and do.
Child B (5 yrs old): "Why do you always copy me?"
Alina: "What do you think?"
Child B: "Because Jesus made you that way? Or, is it because I'm really funny?"
Not sure how either one applied but I let him know I definitely thought he was funny!

Setting: Zumba Class at the Bountiful Recreation Center with my Mom.
Situation: The instructor was having us do "booty battles". Yep I said it, and with the class split in half my booty was shaking in front of one of four guys attending the class.
Alina: "That was so embarrassing!"
Mom: "That's what they're here for so let them have it!"
Alina: "Mom!"
Mom: "Well if they're going to come to the class then they can suffer".
Alina: "Wait, now you're saying my booty shaking is so bad they were suffering?"
Oh, my sweet mother. First she tells me to give it to them and then she says they're suffering watching. She always makes me laugh, she's my favorite!

Setting: Smiths Grocery Store
Situation: Standing in the fruit section feeling Stephen's tonsils as he was feeling sick.
Cute Old Lady: "Is he sick?"
Alina: "Ya, he's not feeling too good".
Cute Old Lady: "Well I've been watching you two and you've had enough time with him".
Alina and Stephen: SILENCE
Cute Old Lady: "Send him home with me and I'll take care of him".
(Sounds a bit creepy now reading it, but she was truly a sweet older grandma type lady)
Stephen: "Maybe I should, you know, give her one last hoorah".
I laughed my guts out...then maybe puked in my mouth at the thought of it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Do You Just Go Home and Cry Everyday?"

"Do you just go home and cry everyday?" This is my favorite quote of 2010 thanks to my dear friend Marci. Well, what Miss Marci was referring to, the topic which none of the other 8 girls at the table had been privy to at the moment she asked me, was my career as a Social Worker and the population that I work with. So when Marci asked if I just go home and cry everyday, it could have been assumed the question was due to my growing love handles and thighs, my minimal salary for the 70-80 hours I work in a week, my grown out hair roots... :)

But in fact I do go home and cry once and awhile. I had a few of the hardest days yet this week and I'm emotionally exhausted. It began on Wednesday when I had to tell a mother in our program that it was a possibility she could lose her two girls, and then help her to not make a choice that would further jeopardize her chance to be a parent to her children. The next day we received the final decision from DCFS that a foster home had been found for her daughters. So that afternoon I facilitated a conversation between mom and daughters that they would be going back into foster care. It was absolutely heartbreaking. As the 5 year old snuggled on my lap she continually asked me why her mom was crying and when they would be coming back, she didn't understand. The next morning I was there again to facilitate their goodbye. Those big brown eyes and quivering lip will haunt me for days. I made it from 100 E. to 700 E. before losing it. From my clinical judgement and in my heart I knew it was in the best interest of those little girls, but my heart broke for them as they tried to comprehend why they couldn't stay with their mom. My hope now is that their new foster parents are decent people with love to give these two sweet girls. A quick plug for foster care, they are always in desperate need and I know many of my friends and family would be amazing blessings to these children!

I love what I do but there are days that I struggle, I know I join the rest of the population with that obvious statement :) , but I appreciate an outlet to process through it. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Old People Really Do Know How To Have Fun"

I visited Stephen at his work Friday night. He was giving me a tour and as we passed the banquet room the sign outside the door read "Fossil Club". When I glanced inside I noticed it was filled with elderly folk. I laughed hysterically! Fossil Club...Old People....(hee hee) Stephen then replied, "Honey, I don't think that's what Fossil Club means". I'm sure it doesn't, but it's hilarious none the less!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Creative Block

I've redesigned my blog in hopes of getting a new start and inspiring my writing. However I used a basic template and the overall redesign took me under 5 minutes. Needless to say I'm left completely underwhelmed. I don't know what to write. I've logged on and off my account for the last two days. I'm staring at the screen and running ideas through my head. None that are engaging or the least bit catching to write about. About an hour ago I got a craving for Chinese food and used modern technology to phone me in some grub (should be here any minute now...). Spiderman is on in the background but Peter Parker is doing nothing to keep me interested (however he's just barely been bitten by the spider and large muscles and exuding confidence will shortly ensue...we'll see). I'll probably go on a short walk between this paragraph or the next. Will definitely be fitting in time for greasy vegetable lo mein ANY TIME SOON. Geez where can I find me a timely delivery man/woman.

I like the title of this post which directs the reader to think I have a block to some creative artistic endeavor. Nope, just haven't been able to write for the last year and a half. I realize that "writers block" would be the more appropriate term, but my desire to write is usually fueled by creativity. Something I've been lacking for say, oh a good year and a half. Plus by using the term creative block I can picture me sitting at a pottery wheel, something akin to the infamous scene on Ghost. I want to thank my friends who have encouraged me to start "blogging" again and so me writing about not being able to write is all I can give you for now. Starting to lose interest...

(15 minutes later). I've just given myself the best chuckle and I figured I'd share. My sister is looking to rent out an extra room in her house (if interested let me know). She has been receiving some odd inquiries about the room and we were just having a laugh about them this morning. She's starting to wonder if she'll get some serious e-mails so I decided to draft the following. It was sent approximately 9 minutes ago.

Hey thur,

I like the looks of attair roomin. If yo allow me to be bringin my cat I’d be willin to rub yer feet. Feets es my specialty as I studied yurs while ya climed. If yo don’t take cur of those bunions thell be getting real bad. Ah bleeve if yur a churcher goin lady we’d git along real fine. Lord willing ill be able to share that house with ya. And I love gardens cause I love me some squarsh.

Respond tonight,


Chinese just arrived. Mmm....cashew vegetable tofu come to mamma!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


ABC Tag:

A: Addiction ~ Sweets and Pajamas
B: Breakfast (what you eat) ~ Oatmeal w/ berries
C: Chocolate or Chips ~ Chocolate
D: Dessert or Appetizers ~ Dessert(s). It needs to be plural.
E: Essential Items ~ Lotion and Chap Stick
F: Favorite Color ~ I'm a pink fan but hate admitting it
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms ~ Worms
H: Hometown ~ Bountiful
I: Indulgence ~ Carmel Brownie Concrete from Nielsen's or Funfetti frosting on Saltine Crackers. mmm...salty and sweet!
J: January or July ~ July! It's the month of Fireworks, Carnivals, and Rodeos.
K: Kids ~ 2-3. Not in the near future, but I hope someday
L: Life isn’t complete without ~ Loved Ones
M: Most exciting memory ~ Playing on the beach in Oregon, Cliff Jumping in Mexico, or Stepping off the plane in Prague.
N: Number of brothers & sisters ~ 1 sister, 2 brothers, and 1 sister in-law
O: Oranges or Apples ~ Apples, my favorite are Jonathan or Honey Crisp.
P: Phobias or Fears ~ Too depressing I feel for this post.
Q: Quote ~ “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss
R: Reading currently ~ "Eat, Pray, Love" and re-reading "The Glass Castle". Up next - "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan"
S: Summer or Spring ~ Summer
T: Tag 2 People ~ Melissa and Chelsea. (It originally said to tag 6 friends, but all my friends have already been tagged....sad)
U: Unknown fact about me ~ I don't think there are many "unknown facts" about me that the people who are reading this don't know. Um.....I have beaded hair, I've been stung by a jelly fish, I was a Young Astronaut, I won the 6th Grade Spelling Bee, and I have six toes ;)
V: Vacation I want to go on ~ Greece, India, or Thailand.
W: Walking or Running ~ Combination of the two
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound ~ I guess x-ray
Y: Your favorite Food ~ Indian or Thai
Z: Zoo or Bowling ~ Zoo. But only if I'm allowed to ride the train, measure myself against a gorilla, and purchase a plastic animal drink cup.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Monthly Volunteer Opportunity

Last night I had the opportunity to help serve dinner for 90 adults and children at the Road Home (The Road Home is the largest homeless shelter in Utah). My friend Sarah orchestrated the entire event which included not only purchasing all of the food and supplies, but making and bagging 90 turkey sandwiches! She initially had 4 other volunteers for the evening and at the last moment they all bailed out. Luckily Terry and Connie Dorsey came out to help serve, and everything went smoothly. (Side Note-I have extremely supportive parents. They have helped or attended Halloween Carnivals, Christmas Shows, Bridal Shows, Open Houses, Volunteer Projects, and more. I consider myself very lucky!)

With the dinner success and of course the good feeling that follows, we decided we wanted to make dinner for the homeless a monthly activity. If anyone is interested we are looking for a set group. We will rotate who is in charge of organizing dinner for the month. If you are interested, plan on contributing about $15-25 per month for dinner/supplies (Which is about what we spend on ourselves on a Friday night).

We would love all the help we can get, but again, we are looking for individuals who can commit to a monthly service project with the idea in mind that if you can't make it one month, you find yourself a replacement. If you have another volunteer opportunity or cause that you are interested in we could always mix-it-up!

"Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."Martin Luther King, jr.