Monday, December 22, 2008

It's Karma

So, I just got home from the dreaded first interview. First, I hate interviewing!!! Second, I usually get a good sense of how the interview is going and whether or not the interviewers like me, I had no idea on this one! Third, as General Manager at my last job I was in charge of the hiring and firing. I always had my Wedding Consultant sit in on interviews with me and we would take the good cop/bad cop roles. I would always be the bad cop, asking the hard questions and having fun with the interviewee. One time I asked a girl to get on the table and sing. Another time I asked an interviewee to call an upset father of the bride and explain to him why their tuxes were late (I didn't end up making either one do what I asked, just wanted to see if they would :). All I have to say is.....Karma. Today I told the panel that I wanted to learn Spanish and that I've had a few College Spanish courses (true, but that was two years ago). They asked if I could answer a question in Spanish and I said no, but that I could talk about myself for 10 minutes (I don't know why I said 10, to pass the class we only had to talk for 5!). Anyway, one girl said, "Please do" . I laughed for a minute thinking it was a joke and she looked me straight in the eye and replied, "No, seriously, we both speak Spanish and I'd like to hear it". I bumbled through about 3 lines and apologized that it had been awhile and I was nervous. I felt like an idiot! I was not prepared for that!!! Why didn't they ask me my strengths and weaknesses? That I had prepared for!

So people.....KARMA. I publicly apologize for the many I have interviewed and had fun with at your expense. Ooops, not so fun when you're on the other end :(

Also, if anyone knows of an available job please pass it along!!!
I'm starting to think McDonalds would be a great place to work. They have good benefits for their employees right???

Friday, December 19, 2008


Okay people, this has been 7 years in the making.
I finally graduated from The University of Utah with a bachelor's in Social Work!!!

A little school history for you, I had originally planned to go to Utah State. I applied, was accepted, put a deposit on an apartment with my friend, and at the last minute decided It wasn't what I wanted to do. I ended up losing my $250 deposit. So, the following semester I began my education at Weber State my first year out of High School. I rarely went to class, met a lot of freakish Ogden boys, and was still stuck in my High School behaviors where I didn't apply myself and didn't really care. I was on a scholarship at the time, lost it, and earned very few transferable credit hours from class. I decided I needed a break. I took a year off and it was excruciating getting me back. Best thing I ever did however. When I started at Salt Lake Community College I was on my own. There was no one paying for me, it didn't affect anyone but me if I went to class or not, and I actually wanted to amount to something. Little Alina was finally growing up. In 2006 I graduated from Salt Lake Community College with an Associates of Science degree and knew that I wanted to pursue a degree in Social Work. I am also proud to say that during the course of my education I have always worked full time and during my years at Salt Lake Community College I didn't take out one student loan. It all came straight from my pocket. I didn't receive any financial help from my parents either. My education was truly my own reward.

In December 2008 I graduated from the University of Utah with my degree in Social Work. I couldn't be happier with the career I have chosen. People tell me time and time again, "You're not doing Social Work for the money that's for sure. Ha... Ha...."

I always knew I wanted to do more, and Social Work has been a tremendous outlet for me to do that. I no longer want to "help people" (this is a common phrase that is coined with Social Work). I want to recognize a person's strengths, empower them with information and tools if I can, and watch as they "help" themselves. The world is cynical. If I've learned anything it is that things are truly not what they seem. There are misconceptions everywhere. My hope is that people will step outside their own sheltered box and realize that a teen mother is not always pregnant because she's irresponsible and likes to sleep around, a homeless person is not always "just lazy", and an immigrant is not always here to steal your job and ruin your life. Had to get on my soap box for a minute. Let me know if you want more :)

I also want to thank my family and friends for always supporting me. I couldn't have done it without you! My friend Jen always makes it a point to ask me how school is and how my finals are going. Cory has proof read many papers and has been an amazing sound board to bounce ideas off of. Most important is my Jason. I don't know how he put up with me, but he has been the most supportive. I can recall countless times of him encouraging me to do my homework when all I want to do is play. He has helped me complete take home tests, make flash cards for quizzing, or helped me rehearse for oral presentations. I've even made him go to class with me! But probably the most important, he has stuck by me through what he likes to call "two weeks of hell", at the end of every semester as I study for finals and inevitably turn into a rotten mean person. I love you babe and your support has meant everything to me. I pride myself on completing my education all on my own, but I really didn't. I'm at this place in my life today partly because of you. Thank you love!

Sorry for the long post, but I felt the topic warranted a few lines!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

White Girl

I recently finished my internship where I case managed the files of Early Head Start's teen mom participants. I was working with one girl, and she was telling me about life before she moved to Utah. Here is how our conversation went: (As you are reading the girl's part it is important for you to talk like a gangsta)

Girl: Utah gangs are just scary.
Me: Wow! They're worse than where you are originally from.
Girl: What?! No, I said they're scary.
Me: So...they are more frightening, terrifying...
Girl: No! (laughs) Scary means chicken!!! (she actually used a word I didn't feel comfortable using, but you get the gist.)
Me: Oh.

Story Continues

Girl: So they came up to me and asked, "who ya bangin?"
Me: Wait, wait. You've said that a few times now, so are they asking who you're having sex with?
Girl: What?! (laughs for about 5 minutes) No, like what gangs are you rolling with and what areas are you hitting. (something like that, I was still confused)
Girl: (pats me on the back) Look at the white girl learning new words! (She proceeded to tell all her friends what I had said as they walked into class)

So, in order to keep you all hip to the new lingo I figured you could benefit from this post.

Recap: Scary=Chicken and Bangin does NOT = sex.

I should have showed her this sweet graffiti I did in Seattle a few years ago.
Who's the white girl now? Oh, still me.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Text Messaging Gone Wrong

So, you could say that my older brother and I don't have the best relationship. It's about every other conversation that we have an argument. I guess this stems from our past. It doesn't help that in High School he would tell people that I wasn't his sister, and many times would leave me at school to walk home or try to find a ride (it was a joyous day when Lynze Wardle got a car). Point being, we still struggle to have even a civil conversation sometimes. This Thanksgiving we had another irritating conversation where I attempted to be nice and was shut down immediately.

This text to my sister is what followed:
"Nate's an ass. Hurry!"
(meaning hurry and get here since she was over an hour late!)
and what do I see as I'm sending it? Oh, just that I was thinking of Nate as I was sending it and being all worked up, accidentally put his name in the send to box.
SSSHHHIIITTTT!!!!! is what was running through my head.

So, feeling more embarrassed than bad about the text, I walked up to Nate and said, "Hey I just sent you a text, it was an accident" and walked out. He was already mid texting me back. The rest of the night was.....awkward. Looks like I ended up looking like the ass that night!
Hate when that happens :)

For the record, we did end up making up as we most always do after one of our petty arguments.

This is the closest I could find to an "Oh Shit!" face

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Travel Partners

I was having a discussion with some co-workers about their travels and who they normally travel with. I thought about how an awful travel partner can completely ruin your experience, and my co-workers proved this to be true. That's when I realized I have the best traveling partner! The following reasons are why this is true.

1. We both share a strong passion for travel.
2. We can play off of each other's moods like you wouldn't believe. If one is contemplative, so is the other. If one is energetic and on the move, so is the other. If one is homesick, yep, so is the other.
3. Our traveling ideals are similar in the sense that we are open to whatever experience comes our way. Even if this includes following a woman who speaks no English onto a rickety old bus somewhere in Germany in hopes that she is leading us to our destination.
4. We both value naps and know they are necessary part of vacationing. It also happens that we like to nap at the same times and inexplicably wake up at the same time.
5. When money is tight we have no problem sharing meals and we rarely disagree on what to order.
6. If I am sick this person is willing to sacrifice precious sight seeing time to be there for me.
7. When riding the plane to our destination I prefer the window seat and they prefer the middle. This works perfectly as I rest my head on the window and they on my shoulder.
8. We both seem to have good luck and that usually pays off well for us.
9. We like a semi-structured trip. One where we know where we are sleeping, but still allows the flexibility to stray from an itinerary.
10. Silence is never uncomfortable.
11. Compromise is key and I know we've mastered it!
12. When insecurity creeps in, the other one is there to be confident or to be insecure with you, and yet we still force ourselves out of our comfort zone.
13. This person is so dear to me, that I know when I'm away from home there is still apart of it there in them.
14. This person can make me laugh and we have such fun times together!
15. With our limited knowledge and language skills we have definitely mastered the saying "two heads are better than one". Thinking together has helped us get out of some potentially scary and tricky situations. We value each others thoughts and opinions.

Drum roll please.....this friend is none other than Miss Cory Willey. I have had the great opportunity to share some of my dreams with her and I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. We have had the chance to go to Chicago, Puerta Vallarta, Prague, Austria, Germany, Venice, Florence, and Rome together. We are also planning a trip to Greece this summer! Thank you Cory for a friendship that is so easy and rewarding.

Trying to get the guard at the Prague Castle to break his "guard etiquette".
You can't see it, but we are actually grabbing his butt!
Sightseeing in Rome. Bloody hot!!!

Standing in front of the Vatican.

Marveling at beautiful Florence

Fortress of Salzburg

Friday, November 21, 2008

You know you're friends with Alina and Jen when...

1. You've been swimming in the post office fountain.
2. You've tickled one or both of our arms.
3. You've swung on the BJH flag pole.
4. You've swam in the Meadowbrook creek. 
5.  You've made a swimming pool out of a garbage can. 
6. You've eaten a Maverick hotdog with salt and vinegar chips on the corner. 
7.  You've tied a wagon to a bike so you could pull each other around the block. 
8.  You've met one of us half way between our houses. 
9.  You've shared one pair of roller blades.
10. You've jumped off Alina's garage onto the tramp.
11. You've peed or been peed on at the Bubble to keep warm. 
12. You've stayed up late waiting for Connie to go to sleep so you could watch dirty dancing and eat corn dogs. 
13.  You know what snails are and you love them!
14. You love season salt.
15. You think Dees cheese fries are a delicacy. 
16.  Alina has made you clean her bathroom on her day. 
17.  Jen has made you come over when she's been afraid of the dark. 
18. You've made a menu and played restaurant. 
19. You've made up a skit on the tramp. 
20. You've had Jen color your hair and insist that you go to a store/restaurant/gas station with your hair full of foils for a snack. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Miss Cory Willey has tagged me. Therefore, the following six things are something you may not know about me.

1. I'm deathly afraid of needles. In fact the first time I have ever had my blood drawn was two years ago. I made my mom go with me, and I cried the entire time!
2. I hate almost ALL vegetables.
3. When I need to pee really bad it hurts my teeth.
4. My feet can't hang off of the bed because I'm terrified someone will grab them and pull me under.
5. I can't drink out of a straw from the middle of my mouth, it has to be to the side.
6. I catch myself singing or talking out loud all of the time. It mostly happens in public places. I once started singing a song from seven brides for seven brothers while in the bathroom at my boyfriends house. We were all there for family dinner and when I came out of the bathroom his mom made a comment on how she has never known anyone to be as happy as me. Nice way to cover up the fact that they were all sitting at the dinner table listening to me singing while using the restroom.

I now tag Jen and Marci!

1. Link to the person who has tagged you * *I can't figure out how to do a fancy link, and my go to girl Cory Willey, has let me done in this endeavor.
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Trunk or Treating....BOO!!!

What happened to good old fashion Trick or Treating? I remember having to actually work for my candy, and man that only made the candy taste that much sweeter. These days the latest trend is to take your child to a parking lot where they go from car to car getting their candy. That takes what, like 15 minutes? We used to start trick or treating the minute the sun started setting and not return home until our pillow cases were almost full. That was no easy feat, but year after year we made our parents proud. This year in order to encourage the dwindling number of trick or treaters, Jason an I turned down two parties to make sure we were home to pass out candy. I even purchased full size candy bars to give to the little chillins. Being that I live in a basement apartment, our traffic was extremely low at the beginning of the night. This led us to our decision to sit outside on the porch steps. Not only did we make ourselves readily available for candy, but we dressed up too. Point of this post....Keep the Halloween tradition of Trick or Treating alive!"Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still frigid? Try a Blow.....Dryer

One of my favorite things about fall is the changing of the temperature. I love the middle phase between hot and bitter ass cold. The air turns crisp and cool providing you an opportunity to yes, wear your favorite scarf, AND use your blow dryer to heat up your bed before going to sleep. I cannot tell you how much joy I get from such a simple act. Here is how it works-crawl into bed, lift one leg or arm to create a tent out of your blankets and sheets allowing your blow dryer to fill the space with wonderful warm air. I promise you'll sleep like a baby! My sister was recently complaining of how cold her upstairs was, and well I taught her the trick and I swear it saved her life (hypothermia is a common cause of death you know). To those of you who would suggest purchasing an electric blanket I would simply say...grow up.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm a Alice! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!

You are intelligent, outgoing & stylish. A true girly girl, you love shopping & makeovers. Although you are a generous friend, you can by coy, tricky & persuasive in order to get your way. You are known to zone out occasionally during conversations, but your friends forgive you because you are understanding, supportive & know how to throw one heck of a party!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bi-annual Doughnuts, Dinner, Drug Bust, Danceoff Party

It happens twice a year. The Dorsey gals and Miss Cory Willey get together for some good ol' wholesome fun. Let it note that Cory is an integral ingredient in the recipe, and has been so for many years. She is the cinnamon to our sugar!
The evening began in a Betty Crocker fashion as we whipped up the ingredients for our homemade doughnuts.As we let our dough gather the needed mass for cooking, we set out for some dinner. Being the go-with-the-flow girl that she is, Anne set just a few guidelines. "It can't be a chain restaurant and it has to be good." Hmm....she did know we were in Bountiful right?! We found ourselves at Marcello's. A quaint Italian restaurant with average food.

Stuffed on Gnocchi and Lasagna Cory, Anne, and I decided to walk the three blocks home. For those of you that are familiar with the Dorsey Family home you know that within the last few years apartments have gone up on each side of the house, sandwiching it in. What you may not know is that some of the apartments just so happen to be comprised of....drug dealers, doers, you name it. Quite the excitement for sleepy Bountiful! Well, as we are walking home we were approached by one of our "neighbors". He greeted us, "What's up dudes?", I laughed, and they responded with, "Oh! They're ladies!!!" Keep in mind they were about three feet in front of us. I blame this mistake on Cory's mustache.Well, we got home and our doughnuts were slightly disappointing. They had barely risen and SOMEBODY rolled the dough too thin. We whipped up some killer glazes and frostings to try and make up for our shortcomings. Doughnut toppings included a regular glaze, maple peanut butter glaze, cinnamon and sugar, and miscellaneous combinations.
(Cory got a little violent when things didn't turn out how she wanted them...scary!)
Then...amidst all of our PG fun, we saw cops patrolling up and down our street. Of course the only thing to do was to turn out all of the lights, squat down on the kitchen floor, and peer out the windows. Sadly, there was no drug bust that night. However, we did make use of the dark, and this is where the dance off began.
(Anne and Luna won due to their unique erotic style dancing) Then we wrapped up the evening with a little Thunder Alley bowling.
Players: Candy Pants (Connie), Farts McGee (Anne), Lightening Fire (Cory), and Ivana Humpalot (Alina).
It's debatable, but Farts McGee won. Marginally ahead of Ivana Humpalot. Lightening Fire and Candy Pants didn't even make the charts. "It's just too bad for them".

Until Next Year, Peace Out!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ready yourself with your glasses, thoughts, and tea cup.

Yes nerds of America we are starting a book club and I am extremely excited! This month's book: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Loved the movie so how could I not love the book! (Sshh...don't tell the other members that I haven't started reading it yet) Speaking of members, the more the merrier. If you are a lover of nerdery and books then you deserve to be part of our book club. We tentatively decided that at the end of every month one member would host the book club. This can be done at your house, restaurant, etc. Just a few ideas to get you about we be one of the "ladies who wear purple and a red hat", meet at the Beehive Tea House (Great idea Cory!), or how about themed meetings? If you are already a part of a book club please share your success, likes, and dislikes to help ours be the most fun and interesting it can be.

Members to date:
1. Cory Willey
2. Jen Allred
3. Marci Swenson
4. Shelly Bubert
5. Cassidy Skola
6. Alina Dorsey

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Responses We Wish We Could Send

Alina and Cory Here: This is a duo post. While looking through some websites, we stumbled across a blog of a person from our past. Although we give credit for the persons passion and overall mission of life, it was riddled with self righteousness, criticism and judgment; ironically, the absence of these very characteristics being his/her passion.

Therefore, being two respectful people who are big believers in Karma and slightly chicken, decided not to send a very well stated, articulate, angry and perhaps a little catty comment on his/her blog. We were going to post it in this blog, but decided against it.
(We lost faith in all you judgers out there!)

Does this ever happen to you? Although Cory and I are both like minded, the post rung false to the very core. At this point, what do you do when all you want to do is shake someone, tell them they are crazy, or try to give the person a little exposure to life and reality? I guess rant about it for a minute and decide to be who you are. Or as Lacy would say, "Remember who you're not."

This is Alina 'worshiping' in Rome. They had to provide her a shawl as she was dressed like a street walker.

Cory 'worshiping' in a restroom...hoping everything would come out okay...

If you are already on our list of friends, know it wasn't you.... or was it??? J/K

Alina & Cory

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pop Tart or Toaster Strudel?

Before you go thinking you know the answer to this question let me point out 10 very important facts.

1. Pop tarts you can eat with or without a toaster and they are still delicious.
2. You can take a pop tart anywhere.
3. When you eat a pop tart you don't have to worry about jelly dripping out it's backside onto your shirt.
4. Getting your fingers messy with frosting is not a problem with a Pop Tart. (Plus they never give you enough frosting with the strudel!)
5. You can freeze a Pop Tart for a cool treat.
6. Pop Tarts come in flavors ranging from Strawberry to Smores.
7. The Pop Tart gives you not one, but two tasty treats in each serving. One for later!

8. Unlike the toaster strudel, Pop Tarts don't make your fingers greasy.
9. If you decide to
toast your Pop Tart you will never have to worry about the middle still being frozen. Which by the way with a strudel you never find out until you've already added the frosting and the strudel is half eaten. You can't put it back in the toaster!
10. Finally, the Pop Tarts sugary goodness exceeds that of the lamester strudel.

Let it note that I seriously get upset when the toaster strudel commercials bash on Pop Tarts. Upon viewing one, Jason and I will spend the next 5-10 minutes discussing the superiority of the Pop Tart. Yes, you are immediately thinking that you should worry about us and our obsession with Pop Tarts. What?! We are just two healthy adults who happen to be passionate about our breakfast and snack foods. Check out this pop tart commercial from 1975 . It gives us two more reasons for loving the Pop Tart. 1.) The toaster, with the help of the pop tart clearly offers emotional support. 2.) If it's been around for this long it has to be good.
Check out this Pop Tart Commercial!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Background Music

I think everyone should have background music to their life. Just like in the movies, the minute I wake up a song is playing. Not on my i-pod or the radio, it just exists, filling whatever space I'm in with great tunes. On Monday I'd wake up, and of course Manic Monday would be playing! After that, depending on my mood, it would be a variety of slow tunes from FM100 as I got ready and made my trek to work. (The slow jams are due to my extremely mellow mood in the morning and let's be honest, I'm a huge FM 100 junkie) Around lunch time I usually get more pep and would probably be kicking it with some good ol' 80's tunes. Example, I'm sitting alone on the curb outside my agency enjoying the last bit of good weather and Tiffany's "I think we're alone now" is playing. What can you expect for a weekend night? Well, I believe a good mix of Pat Benatar or The Sounds would accentuate any activity or conversation. Life is just better with music. I would feel more comfortable reciting corny lines to my boyfriend with a little Elton John or Celine Dion in the background (This selection would not work for Jason, but remember it is my life and my movie). What would make a reunion of friends just that much more special? about "I'll stand by you" from the Pretenders. They see each other for the first time in years, they reach to embrace, and BAM on comes the music. You can't tell me that wouldn't bring a tear to your eye! Point being that life, at least my life, would be much more interesting and fun with continuous background music. Now the final question is, what would be my theme song? Hmmm....I'll blog about it when I've figured it out.

(1st pic.) I can picture A little Dixie Chicks playing. (2nd pic.) "Girls Just want to have fun" of course.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Let's play, shall we?

One of my favorite things to do with a group of friends is to go around the circle and ask, "If (insert name) were an animal, what would they be, and why." Everyone gets a turn to answer what they think. Inevitably someone is terrified by this question however and doesn't want to play, but I think it is a great way to get some perception on how others view you. (As long as you don't take too much of it to heart. You know who you are!) The less "scary" version of this game is to simply ask, "What animal would YOU be and why." This way you get to choose for yourself and are guaranteed the answer won't be something embarrassing like a rhino or cow. It is important that you play this game with friends that know you or have a basic grasp on what you are all about. However, it is also a fun way to gauge the first impression of a new acquaintance. You should formulate your answer by combining appearance and personality.

EXAMPLES: Animals that have been selected for me:

1. "White Exotic Tiger". This is my favorite answer. Who wouldn't want to be a White EXOTIC Tiger! The reasoning behind this answer I was told was because white and exotic seemed rare and original. I was a tiger because I could be calm and playful but this person wouldn't want to mess with me.
2. "Beautiful Butterfly". This answer was crap, but I liked it anyway. I didn't feel like there was much insight or thought to it, but I sure liked the answer. Flattery works every time!
3. Finally, my boyfriend Jason Glover's response to the question (Straight from his mouth): "Chinchilla. Only because I think they're the cutest animal ever. You can't look at one and not want to cuddle it to death." He just happens to be the sweetest boyfriend ever!

My answers for a few of my friends:
1. Jason Glover: Dog.
Dogs are
humble, obedient, truthful, trustworthy, good friends, and loyal. I can think of no better way to describe Jason. In addition, he is the most playful boy I've ever met! He loves to literally crawl into my lap and attempt to curl into a ball, which is no easy feat at his height. Finally, dogs and Jason, are patient and always grateful for what they are given.
2. Cory Willey: Owl. First, Owls symbolize wisdom and the ability to see and hear clearly despite the darkness. Cory has always been a friend I can go to for advice and wisdom. Second, you can't help but giggle at their hooting and that is much like Cory's laugh. Third, she's got great hooters ;) Had to be said!
3. Jen Allred: Monkey.
Jen is one of the most blatantly fun people I know.
Much like monkeys, there are few people that do not love Jen the minute they meet or see her. Monkeys for the most part are non-threatening, and Jen has a way of making anyone she meets feel at ease.
4. Catie Pilkington: Gerbil. The gerbil is a curious, friendly and nearly odorless animal :), making it a popular pet. I selected a gerbil for Catie first and foremost because they are so cute and little that all you want to do is put it in your pocket and take it home with you. That was my first thought when I met Catie. She is also the type of person that seems truly thankful for her friends, family, and surroundings. Just like a gerbil is content with the inside cardboard of a toilet paper roll to chew on, a water bottle to drink, and a running wheel to devote most of it's day.

YOUR TURN! You can tell me what animal you think you are, or one I remind you of.

Radiant Humans

Monday, August 11, 2008

"Learn to be a radiant human, and then shine on others." Sark

Who am I? I'm not entirely sure, but for the first time I realize the importance of not answering, but pondering and being aware of this question as it constantly changes and evolves. My sister recently embarked on a magnificent adventure. It was a vacation planned for two, yet she found herself experiencing Alaska alone. When I think of the word ALONE my immediate emotion is saddness or pity on her behalf. Why should we fear alone as if there is less to be gained by the experience? I had the opportunity of talking with my sister a few days before the end of her adventure and we pondered the idea of being alone. Alone, being in the present, and getting to know and love yourself. We invest hours, days, and lifetimes getting to know others, but do we take the time to truly learn about ourselves? I know the superficial aspects of myself. Go ahead and ask me, what is my favorite color, food, pet?...I can answer all without hesitation and none would give you any insight into who Alina Dorsey really is. My favorite color does not define me, nor does it reflect any depth concerning my wishes and desires. An author who is inspirational to me, Sark, suggests marrying yourself. Performing a wedding somewhere special and vowing to love and honor yourself until the end of your days. At first this idea of an actual ceremony sounded completely silly, but I can appreciate the importance behind it. I find myself dutifully completing my education, working out my days, and busying myself with the mundane details of everyday while forgetting to take the time to discover what I want and need. Who am I? Well, that changes daily, but I like the idea of trying to be a radiant human, and then shining on others. I know many radiant human beings whose light has helped shape and mold the person I am and will continue to be. These are the people who have been badgering me to start a blog for quite some time. They are amazing and beautiful and hysterical! I take pride in the fact that I surround myself with people who have the greatest capacity to love. They also just happen to be downright witty and funny and can make me smile in a second. Just this weekend a dear friend had me uncontrollably bawling and laughing at the same time (you know who you are). I love you all. "You are enough. You have enough. You do enough." Sark

A Few Radiant Humans Listed Above