Saturday, November 29, 2008

Text Messaging Gone Wrong

So, you could say that my older brother and I don't have the best relationship. It's about every other conversation that we have an argument. I guess this stems from our past. It doesn't help that in High School he would tell people that I wasn't his sister, and many times would leave me at school to walk home or try to find a ride (it was a joyous day when Lynze Wardle got a car). Point being, we still struggle to have even a civil conversation sometimes. This Thanksgiving we had another irritating conversation where I attempted to be nice and was shut down immediately.

This text to my sister is what followed:
"Nate's an ass. Hurry!"
(meaning hurry and get here since she was over an hour late!)
and what do I see as I'm sending it? Oh, just that I was thinking of Nate as I was sending it and being all worked up, accidentally put his name in the send to box.
SSSHHHIIITTTT!!!!! is what was running through my head.

So, feeling more embarrassed than bad about the text, I walked up to Nate and said, "Hey I just sent you a text, it was an accident" and walked out. He was already mid texting me back. The rest of the night was.....awkward. Looks like I ended up looking like the ass that night!
Hate when that happens :)

For the record, we did end up making up as we most always do after one of our petty arguments.

This is the closest I could find to an "Oh Shit!" face

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Travel Partners

I was having a discussion with some co-workers about their travels and who they normally travel with. I thought about how an awful travel partner can completely ruin your experience, and my co-workers proved this to be true. That's when I realized I have the best traveling partner! The following reasons are why this is true.

1. We both share a strong passion for travel.
2. We can play off of each other's moods like you wouldn't believe. If one is contemplative, so is the other. If one is energetic and on the move, so is the other. If one is homesick, yep, so is the other.
3. Our traveling ideals are similar in the sense that we are open to whatever experience comes our way. Even if this includes following a woman who speaks no English onto a rickety old bus somewhere in Germany in hopes that she is leading us to our destination.
4. We both value naps and know they are necessary part of vacationing. It also happens that we like to nap at the same times and inexplicably wake up at the same time.
5. When money is tight we have no problem sharing meals and we rarely disagree on what to order.
6. If I am sick this person is willing to sacrifice precious sight seeing time to be there for me.
7. When riding the plane to our destination I prefer the window seat and they prefer the middle. This works perfectly as I rest my head on the window and they on my shoulder.
8. We both seem to have good luck and that usually pays off well for us.
9. We like a semi-structured trip. One where we know where we are sleeping, but still allows the flexibility to stray from an itinerary.
10. Silence is never uncomfortable.
11. Compromise is key and I know we've mastered it!
12. When insecurity creeps in, the other one is there to be confident or to be insecure with you, and yet we still force ourselves out of our comfort zone.
13. This person is so dear to me, that I know when I'm away from home there is still apart of it there in them.
14. This person can make me laugh and we have such fun times together!
15. With our limited knowledge and language skills we have definitely mastered the saying "two heads are better than one". Thinking together has helped us get out of some potentially scary and tricky situations. We value each others thoughts and opinions.

Drum roll please.....this friend is none other than Miss Cory Willey. I have had the great opportunity to share some of my dreams with her and I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. We have had the chance to go to Chicago, Puerta Vallarta, Prague, Austria, Germany, Venice, Florence, and Rome together. We are also planning a trip to Greece this summer! Thank you Cory for a friendship that is so easy and rewarding.

Trying to get the guard at the Prague Castle to break his "guard etiquette".
You can't see it, but we are actually grabbing his butt!
Sightseeing in Rome. Bloody hot!!!

Standing in front of the Vatican.

Marveling at beautiful Florence

Fortress of Salzburg

Friday, November 21, 2008

You know you're friends with Alina and Jen when...

1. You've been swimming in the post office fountain.
2. You've tickled one or both of our arms.
3. You've swung on the BJH flag pole.
4. You've swam in the Meadowbrook creek. 
5.  You've made a swimming pool out of a garbage can. 
6. You've eaten a Maverick hotdog with salt and vinegar chips on the corner. 
7.  You've tied a wagon to a bike so you could pull each other around the block. 
8.  You've met one of us half way between our houses. 
9.  You've shared one pair of roller blades.
10. You've jumped off Alina's garage onto the tramp.
11. You've peed or been peed on at the Bubble to keep warm. 
12. You've stayed up late waiting for Connie to go to sleep so you could watch dirty dancing and eat corn dogs. 
13.  You know what snails are and you love them!
14. You love season salt.
15. You think Dees cheese fries are a delicacy. 
16.  Alina has made you clean her bathroom on her day. 
17.  Jen has made you come over when she's been afraid of the dark. 
18. You've made a menu and played restaurant. 
19. You've made up a skit on the tramp. 
20. You've had Jen color your hair and insist that you go to a store/restaurant/gas station with your hair full of foils for a snack. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Miss Cory Willey has tagged me. Therefore, the following six things are something you may not know about me.

1. I'm deathly afraid of needles. In fact the first time I have ever had my blood drawn was two years ago. I made my mom go with me, and I cried the entire time!
2. I hate almost ALL vegetables.
3. When I need to pee really bad it hurts my teeth.
4. My feet can't hang off of the bed because I'm terrified someone will grab them and pull me under.
5. I can't drink out of a straw from the middle of my mouth, it has to be to the side.
6. I catch myself singing or talking out loud all of the time. It mostly happens in public places. I once started singing a song from seven brides for seven brothers while in the bathroom at my boyfriends house. We were all there for family dinner and when I came out of the bathroom his mom made a comment on how she has never known anyone to be as happy as me. Nice way to cover up the fact that they were all sitting at the dinner table listening to me singing while using the restroom.

I now tag Jen and Marci!

1. Link to the person who has tagged you * *I can't figure out how to do a fancy link, and my go to girl Cory Willey, has let me done in this endeavor.
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

Trunk or Treating....BOO!!!

What happened to good old fashion Trick or Treating? I remember having to actually work for my candy, and man that only made the candy taste that much sweeter. These days the latest trend is to take your child to a parking lot where they go from car to car getting their candy. That takes what, like 15 minutes? We used to start trick or treating the minute the sun started setting and not return home until our pillow cases were almost full. That was no easy feat, but year after year we made our parents proud. This year in order to encourage the dwindling number of trick or treaters, Jason an I turned down two parties to make sure we were home to pass out candy. I even purchased full size candy bars to give to the little chillins. Being that I live in a basement apartment, our traffic was extremely low at the beginning of the night. This led us to our decision to sit outside on the porch steps. Not only did we make ourselves readily available for candy, but we dressed up too. Point of this post....Keep the Halloween tradition of Trick or Treating alive!"Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!"