Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ready yourself with your glasses, thoughts, and tea cup.

Yes nerds of America we are starting a book club and I am extremely excited! This month's book: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Loved the movie so how could I not love the book! (Sshh...don't tell the other members that I haven't started reading it yet) Speaking of members, the more the merrier. If you are a lover of nerdery and books then you deserve to be part of our book club. We tentatively decided that at the end of every month one member would host the book club. This can be done at your house, restaurant, etc. Just a few ideas to get you about we be one of the "ladies who wear purple and a red hat", meet at the Beehive Tea House (Great idea Cory!), or how about themed meetings? If you are already a part of a book club please share your success, likes, and dislikes to help ours be the most fun and interesting it can be.

Members to date:
1. Cory Willey
2. Jen Allred
3. Marci Swenson
4. Shelly Bubert
5. Cassidy Skola
6. Alina Dorsey


Anonymous said...

Hello fellow book club member. I have the book on tape if you want me to give it to you. I count it as reading even though I don't use my eyes or my hands. Come on.

I think the book club needs a name. I was throwing around JAC for awhile, but for some reason I feel its been played out. Your thoughts?

Brad and Marci said...

YEA! Thank you for posting about it because I have already started reading it. I'm not too far into it but now i have more motivation. I am super glad there are some fun, creative and silly gals to make it the best book club ever!

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

whoa craziness! does that window behind you in your new header picture say alina d?

i love the spooky new blog!
ahh fall....oh man am i an old lady or what?

ps i'm going to email you some of the pics from our "photo shoot" we all look smokin' hot.

LaynieBear said...

Hey! I am feeling a little left out! I want to be in your super dope club of reading pages too! Just because I have school on Thursdays should not count me out. I feel so alone...

Alina D. said...

Well lady, You'll have to ditch class or we'll have to have our next meeting on a night you don't have school! Welcome to our book club, you are officially a nerd.