Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trunk or Treating....BOO!!!

What happened to good old fashion Trick or Treating? I remember having to actually work for my candy, and man that only made the candy taste that much sweeter. These days the latest trend is to take your child to a parking lot where they go from car to car getting their candy. That takes what, like 15 minutes? We used to start trick or treating the minute the sun started setting and not return home until our pillow cases were almost full. That was no easy feat, but year after year we made our parents proud. This year in order to encourage the dwindling number of trick or treaters, Jason an I turned down two parties to make sure we were home to pass out candy. I even purchased full size candy bars to give to the little chillins. Being that I live in a basement apartment, our traffic was extremely low at the beginning of the night. This led us to our decision to sit outside on the porch steps. Not only did we make ourselves readily available for candy, but we dressed up too. Point of this post....Keep the Halloween tradition of Trick or Treating alive!"Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!"


Anonymous said...

And on a side note: What kind of message does getting candy from random cars give children? Ever heard of 'never take candy from a stranger' or never get into a strangers van to pet a 'puppy'.

It's responsible parenting to let your kids roam the streets alone in search for candy from individual homes. Then, IF your kid comes home, the parents check the candy for razor blades and rat poison.

What happened to the good old days?

Lindsey said...

Another thing, what's the deal with all these peeps that keep their lights off and don't hand out candy at all even? Charlie was pissed and frankly so was I.

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

amen to old school trick or treating.
thanks to weirdos and pervs, kids have to be limited to trunk or treating.

that's awesome you guys handed out candy! i love doing that...with michael jackson's thriller blaring in the background over and over...i love halloween!