Tuesday, December 16, 2008

White Girl

I recently finished my internship where I case managed the files of Early Head Start's teen mom participants. I was working with one girl, and she was telling me about life before she moved to Utah. Here is how our conversation went: (As you are reading the girl's part it is important for you to talk like a gangsta)

Girl: Utah gangs are just scary.
Me: Wow! They're worse than where you are originally from.
Girl: What?! No, I said they're scary.
Me: So...they are more frightening, terrifying...
Girl: No! (laughs) Scary means chicken!!! (she actually used a word I didn't feel comfortable using, but you get the gist.)
Me: Oh.

Story Continues

Girl: So they came up to me and asked, "who ya bangin?"
Me: Wait, wait. You've said that a few times now, so are they asking who you're having sex with?
Girl: What?! (laughs for about 5 minutes) No, like what gangs are you rolling with and what areas are you hitting. (something like that, I was still confused)
Girl: (pats me on the back) Look at the white girl learning new words! (She proceeded to tell all her friends what I had said as they walked into class)

So, in order to keep you all hip to the new lingo I figured you could benefit from this post.

Recap: Scary=Chicken and Bangin does NOT = sex.

I should have showed her this sweet graffiti I did in Seattle a few years ago.
Who's the white girl now? Oh, still me.


Anonymous said...

Ah, this is great. I think this job is perfect for you. And I also think that if you were doing this job during your Gangster phase (I've got pictures to prove it) then you would have known who you was bangin and what was scary.

Say, are you still running with the cripts? Your such a social deviant.

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

bangin'? in my day they called it knockin' boots.

this story is one of the many reasons why i love you. alina= sassy & fierce on the outside, nothing but sweetness on the inside.

on a separate note, do you remember when you took me to get my makeup done at nordstrom and you were talking to me about which makeup brushes to buy?

catie: should i get the long handled brushes or the short?

alina: well, the short handled brushes are easier to use...but i like the long handled brushes...you know, because they make me feel pretty.

i heart you with all my...heart.

love, catie p.

Derk & Jen said...